# Video Lessons

You can see a few of our video tutorials below. Subscribe to our YouTube channel (opens new window) to learn when we post new lessons and tips.

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Designing a Beautiful Portfolio Website

This step by step lesson follows the process of designing a single page portfolio. It features a large photo with a parallax effect, a "hire me" button and a grid of recent projects.

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Building an Ecommerce Store

In this video we are going to use Bootstrap Studio's new Ecommerce components to build a fully functional online store that can accept payments directly into your PayPal and Stripe account with zero fees.

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Creating Apple's Website

In this tutorial we create Apple's iconic home page. We put it together with our drag and drop builder, write some CSS, and publish it online as a real website.

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Creating a Real Website

In this video we build a real website with Bootstrap Studio. We start from a blank page and build the layout, use the responsive grid, write CSS and even make a simple gallery with a lightbox.

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Creating Tesla's Website

This video demonstrates how to use Bootstrap Studio to create a great looking page from Tesla's website. We put it together with our drag and drop builder, write some CSS, and add eye-catching animations.